

What is novel about this research?

Biological significance:

Possible hindrances:


Genotype data


  • I have 1-3 consecutive ACR measurements for each individual at each annual assessment.

  • The number of annual assessments varies for each individual (e.g. ORPS have up to 10 assessments, AdDIT have up to 4 assessments and NFS have only 1-2 assessments).

Auxiliary data

  • Auxiliary data that I have available includes age, sex, age at diagnosis, duration of diabetes, age at assessment, HbA1c, BMI, blood pressure, smoking status etc.

  • I also have HbA1c readings, but Loredana said that these may not have been measured at the same time as the ACR and in practice they just use the HbA1c reading taken in the same year as the ACR reading.

  • An additional covariate to consider for the AdDIT cohort is the treatment group (AHT medication or not) since it was an intervention trail.

Our analysis


# Assume ACR is a vector of the (mean of the 3 consecutive) ACR readings at each assessment for all our individuals
# for now, just say that we have one predictor, x

# random intercept for each cohort (fixed slopes)
lmer(log10(ACR) ~ x + (1 | cohort)) 

# random intercept and slopes for each cohort
lmer(log10(ACR) ~ x + (1 + x | cohort)) 

# random intercept and slope grouped by each individual in each cohort (i.e. capturing longitudinal aspect)
lmer(log10(ACR) ~ x + (x | cohort) + (x | cohort:indiv))

Remember that our aim is to develop some “score” for each individual that captures longitudinal ACR measurements and is adjusted for confounders.

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