Correcting Coverage


  1. Would any of these methods improve if we considered 1000 SNP models. When I set up the big simulation, I’d like to change from nsnps=100 to nsnps=1000.

  2. Could try all methods again using \(z0\) for joint as opposed to \(max(z0)\).

  3. Each GAM model is being built using 5000 simulations, perhaps this could be upped to 10000. Often get the following error: ‘Iteration limit reached without full convergence - check carefully’.

  4. Other ways to measure similarity between true pp and simulated pp? Could find KLs for each pp simulation and the true pp. Then in each CV simulation only select the simulations with lowest KL (could implement cusum to choose these). So that each GAM model is built using say 2000 simulations which most similarly reflect the true pp. Still end up with 100 GAM models for 100 possible CVs.

  • Areas that could change:
  1. zj specification.
  2. which simulations used to form gam models.
  3. which predictions used from gam models.
  4. normalisation of these predictions/corrected coverage estimates.

Choosing method:

  • Want an unbiased method that has minimal variance.

  • Run simulations for thr=0.9, 0.95, 0.99.

  • At each threshold, find the mean and sd of all the above measures. Report the summary of the number of variants in each credible set across the thresholds.


Warning messages: 1: In newton(lsp = lsp, X = G$X, y = G$y, Eb = G$Eb, UrS = G$UrS, L = G$L, : Iteration limit reached without full convergence - check carefully



### Read in data and find variance (sigma squared hat)

data <- readRDS("/Users/anna/newdata/data2.RDS")
freq <-data$freq
maf <- data$maf
sigma <- data$LD
snps <- data$snps
CV <- data$CV
iCV <- data$iCV

# variance function from coloc <- function(f, N, s) {
  1 / (2 * N * f * (1 - f) * s * (1 - s))

# find sigma hat
var <-,N=10000,0.5) # N0=N1=5000
sd <- sqrt(var)

### Find the z score and claimed coverage we want to correct (first row)
## Extra simulations ran to give an estimate of the true coverage

zsim.tmp <- simulated_z_score(N0=5000, # number of controls
                              N1=5000, # number of cases
                              W=CV, # causal variants, subset of snps
                              gamma.W=log(1.1), # log odds ratios
                              freq=freq, # reference haplotypes
                              nrep=5000 # remainder will be used to get an estimate of true coverage

z0 <- zsim.tmp[1,] # treat first row at the true system we want to correct

# quick function: z scores --> pp
ppfunc <- function(z, V, omega=0.2^2) {
  r <- omega/(omega + V)
  bf = 0.5 * (log(1 - r) + (r * z^2))
  denom <- coloc:::logsum(bf)
  pp.tmp <- exp(bf - denom) # convert back from log scale
  pp.tmp / sum(pp.tmp)

truepp <- ppfunc(z0,var)

credset <- function(pp,CV=iCV, thr=0.6) {
  o <- order(pp,decreasing=TRUE) # order index for true pp
  cumpp <- cumsum(pp[o]) # cum sums of ordered pps
  wh <- which(cumpp > thr)[1] # how many needed to exceed thr
  size <- cumpp[wh] 
  contained=as.numeric(CV %in% o[1:wh])
  data.frame(claimed.cov=size, covered=contained)

cs <- credset(truepp,iCV)
cov <- cs$covered

# this is all the info experimentors would have and would want to correct

claim0 <- cs$claimed.cov # coverage we wish to correct
# z0 # z scores of the true system
# truepp # pps from the true system

### Find an estimate of the true coverage so we can see how accurate we are

zsim.true <- zsim.tmp[-1,] # remove row of the 'true z'

pps <- t(apply(zsim.true, 1, ppfunc, V=var))

tmp <- apply(pps, 1, credset, iCV) %>% rbindlist()

true.cov.est <- mean(tmp$covered)

### Method to find corrected coverage

# specify joint z scores for each snp causal
temp <- diag(x = max(z0), nrow = 100, ncol = 100)
zj <-, apply(temp, 1, list))

Sigma <- sigma

avgdiff <- function(Zj,nrep=5000) { %*% Sigma
  d <- colMeans((t(zstar) - z0)^2) # d is distance between our simulated z and the true z for each sim
  mean(d) # this is the mean diff for that scenario of SNP i being causal
d <- lapply(zj,avgdiff)  %>% unlist()

plot(truepp,d, main="Distance between z scores vrs true pp") 


# quick function to find pps
bf.func <- function(Zj, V, thr=0.6, nrep=5000,omega=0.2^2,Sigma){*%Sigma # find E(X_m) (100 of these for each SNP being causal)
  zstar=rmvnorm(nrep,,Sigma) # nrep is rows, nsnps is cols
  ## these two lines are quicker
  r <- omega/(omega + V)
  bf = 0.5 * (log(1 - r) + (r * zstar^2))
  denom <- coloc:::logsum(bf)
  pp.tmp <- exp(bf - denom) # convert back from log scale
  pp.tmp / rowSums(pp.tmp)

pps <- mapply(bf.func,zj,var, MoreArgs=list(Sigma=sigma),SIMPLIFY=FALSE)

# different CV as causal in each list
n_pps <- length(pps)
args <- 1:100

d5 <- lapply(1:n_pps, function(x){
  apply(pps[[x]],1,credset,args[x]) %>% rbindlist()

invlogit <- function(x) exp(x)/(1+exp(x))

##### get 100 GAM models, one for each SNP being causal. Use each of these to get a prediction of the corrected coverage

pred.func <- function(x){
  m <- gam(covered~s(claimed.cov), data=x, family="binomial")

# get vector of predicted coverage values
final <- lapply(d5,pred.func) %>% unlist()

o <- order(d)

# final[o] is vector of final predictions ordered by closeness of zstar to z0

cmean <- cumsum(final[o])/(1:length(final))
cvar <- cumsum((final[o]-cmean)^2)/((1:length(final)))
## plot(truepp,final)
plot(d,final) # d is ave distance from each set of sims from true z, final is final cov estiates

corr.cov <- mean(final)
corr.cov.norm <- sum(final*truepp) # use truepp, not pp <- final[ iCV ]

################ how can we objectively choose which points to use?

y <- final[o]
x <- d[o]
ans <- cusum(y)
w <- min(ans$ubrk,ans$lbrk,na.rm=TRUE)

## plot(truepp,final)
plot(x,y,main="raw",col=ifelse(1:length(x) <= w, "red","black"))
plot(d[o],cmean,main="cmean",col=ifelse(1:length(x) <= w, "red","black"))
## plot(d[o],cvar,main="cvar")
plot(d[o],sqrt(cvar)/cmean,main="ccov",col=ifelse(1:length(x) <= w, "red","black"))

corr.cov.cusum <- sum((final[o][1:w]*truepp[o][1:w]) / sum(truepp[o][1:w])) # use truepp, not pp
corr.cov.cusum2 <- mean(final[o][1:w])

############### KL method to limit pps

# KL between true pp and simulated pp 

PP <- unname(truepp)
KL <- function(p) sum(p*log(p/PP))

KLs.tmp <- lapply(pps, function(x) apply(x,1,KL))

# keep the ones with smallest KL
KLs.lim <- lapply(KLs.tmp, function(x) which(rank(x)<2001))

for (ii in 1:length(pps)) {
  pps[[ii]] <- pps[[ii]][KLs.lim[[ii]], ]

# different CV as causal in each list
n_pps <- length(pps)
args <- 1:100

d5 <- lapply(1:n_pps, function(x){
  apply(pps[[x]],1,credset,args[x]) %>% rbindlist()

##### get 100 GAM models, one for each SNP being causal. Now only using 100 cs to build model

pred.func <- function(x){
  m <- gam(covered~s(claimed.cov), data=x, family="binomial")

final <- lapply(d5,pred.func) %>% unlist()

pp.lim <- mean(final)
pp.lim2 <- sum(final*truepp)

results <- data.frame("true.cov"=true.cov.est,"claimed.cov"=claim0,"corrected.cov"=corr.cov,"corrected.cov.norm"=corr.cov.norm,"","corr.cov.cusum"=corr.cov.cusum,"corr.cov.cusum2"=corr.cov.cusum2,"pp.corr.cov"=pp.lim,"pp.corr.cov.norm"=pp.lim2)