A data.frame containing the rsID, chromosome (CHR19) and base pair position (BP19) in hg19, reference allele (REF), alternative allele (ALLT), type 1 diabetes GWAS p-value (T1D_pval), minor allele frequency (MAF), LDAK weight (LDAK_weight), rheumatoid arthritis GWAS p-value (RA_pval), binary regulatory factor binding site overlap (DGF), average H3K27ac fold change value in T1D-relevant cell types (H3K27ac) for 113,543 SNPs in the T1D GWAS (https://www.nature.com/articles/ng.3245)



A data frame with 113543 rows and 11 variables:


Minor allele frequencies estimated from the CEU sub-population samples in the 1000 Genomes Project Phase 3 data set. Missing values were replaced by drawing samples from the empirical distribution of MAFs