
  1. Paper and First Year Report
  2. Chat with Rob
  3. T1D
  4. Plots

1. Paper and First Year Report

2. Chat with Rob

3. T1D

“We omit 6 of the 44 regions from our analyses due to lack of position information (rs6691977, rs4849135, rs2611215 and rs1052553) and lack of utility of our method (rs34536443 region contains SNPs with posterior probabilities of causality of 0.98857969 and 0.01141317 and rs689 is extremely well documented, but not genotyped well on the ImmunoChip).”

##  [1]  4.121487  4.303493  4.605187  4.708329  4.731193  4.762107  5.068904  5.108095  5.273287  5.289199  5.380735  5.413262  5.449691  5.733063  5.733596  5.746440  5.794417  5.946042  6.153421
## [20]  6.161197  6.192332  6.449380  6.658150  6.681179  6.864939  7.145365  7.303684  7.401054  7.648895  8.168146  8.496126  8.599211  8.653968  9.333459 11.919212 12.990950 20.777874

4. Simulation Method

1. Line graphs with geom_smooth(“lm”) added (means)

2. Line graphs with geom_quantile(quantile = 0.5) added (median)

3. Relative Error plots (median + IQR)

  • But now it seems that the unsorted sum is not unbiased? This is questionable because we found that the posterior probabilities themselves are accurate (by fitting logit(binary_cv)~logit(pp) and showing it was basically y=x, where binary_cv is 0 if the variant is not the CV and 1 if it is - see pps.calib.plot on hpc).

  • Can check the posterior probability frequentist coverage by binning the x axis and caluclating means on the y. I do this for the claimed coverage no ordering method.

  • Below is a plot to show the mean empirical unsorted coverage for equal bins of claimed unsorted coverage (i.e. unsorted vs unsorted). The pink point is the mid-point of the bin.

  • Possible problem: We are investigating how accurate the claimed coverage of unsorted sets is at estimating the empirical coverage of UNSORTED sets. The empirical coverage for the claimed and corrected coverage is the empirical coverage of SORTED sets. Hence, the claimed coverage without ordering is estimating something else. Does it make sence to plot them all on one plot?