Corrected credible set using estimated effect sizes and their standard errors

corrected_cs_bhat(bhat, V, N0, N1, Sigma, W = 0.2, lower = 0,
  upper = 1, desired.cov, acc = 0.005, max.iter = 20,
  pp0min = 0.001)



Estimated effect sizes


Prior variance of estimated effect sizes


Number of controls


Number of cases


Correlation matrix of SNPs


Prior for the standard deviation of the effect size parameter, beta (default 0.2)


Lower threshold (default = 0)


Upper threshold (default = 1)


The desired coverage of the causal variant in the credible set


Accuracy of corrected coverage to desired coverage (default = 0.005)


Maximum iterations (default = 20)


Only average over SNPs with pp0 > pp0min


List of variants in credible set, required threshold, the corrected coverage and the size of the credible set


# \donttest{ # this is a long running example # In this example, the function is used to find a corrected 95% credible set # using bhats and their standard errors, that is the smallest set of variants # required such that the resultant credible set has coverage close to (/within # some accuracy of) the "desired coverage" (here set to 0.95). Max.iter parameter # defines the maximum number of iterations to try in the root bisection algorithm, # this should be increased to ensure convergence to the desired coverage, but is set # to 1 here for speed (and thus the resultant credible set will not be accurate). set.seed(18) nsnps <- 100 N0 <- 500 # number of controls N1 <- 500 # number of cases # simulate fake haplotypes to obtain MAFs and LD matrix ## generate example LD matrix library(mvtnorm) nsamples = 1000 simx <- function(nsnps, nsamples, S, maf=0.1) { mu <- rep(0,nsnps) rawvars <- rmvnorm(n=nsamples, mean=mu, sigma=S) pvars <- pnorm(rawvars) x <- qbinom(1-pvars, 1, maf) } S <- (1 - (abs(outer(1:nsnps,1:nsnps,`-`))/nsnps))^4 X <- simx(nsnps,nsamples,S) LD <- cor2(X) maf <- colMeans(X) varbeta <- = maf, N = N0 + N1, s = N1/(N0+N1)) bhats = rnorm(nsnps,0,0.2) # log OR names(bhats) <- seq(1,length(bhats)) corrected_cs_bhat(bhat = bhats, V = varbeta, N0, N1, Sigma = LD, desired.cov = 0.9, max.iter = 1)
#> [1] "thr: 0.5 , cov: 0.877073980331893"
#> $credset #> [1] "38" "90" "92" "10" "62" #> #> $req.thr #> [1] 0.5 #> #> $corr.cov #> [1] 0.877074 #> #> $size #> [1] 0.5140384 #>
# max.iter set low for speed, should be set to at # least the default to ensure convergence to desired coverage # }